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Honing in on Your Core Skills

tools Jul 29, 2024

The path to finding a job that brings you fulfillment is to know your own core skills.  We’ve been talking about the importance of this in our past few blog posts.  Here's why taking the time to understand your core skills is essential.

Why Self-Assessment Matters

  1. Clarity and Direction

   - Self-assessment provides clarity about your strengths, interests, and values. It helps you understand what you are good at and what you enjoy doing, which can guide you in making informed career decisions.

  1. Increased Job Satisfaction

   - When you align your job with your core skills, you are more likely to enjoy your work and feel fulfilled. This alignment leads to higher job satisfaction, better performance, and a greater sense of achievement.

  1. Better Career Choices

   - Knowing your core skills helps you choose a career path that suits your natural abilities. This can lead to better job opportunities, quicker career advancement, and a more successful professional life.

  1. Enhanced Confidence

   - Understanding your strengths boosts your confidence. When you know what you are good at, you can present yourself more effectively to potential employers and seize opportunities that match your skill set.

Steps to Identifying Your Core Skills

  1. Reflect on Your Experiences

   - Think about past experiences, both professional and personal, where you felt you excelled. Identify the skills you used in those situations and consider how they made you feel.

  1. Use Assessment Tools

   - We like to keep it simple! Attached is a link to our PDF test, under "core skills activity."

  1. Seek Feedback

   - Ask friends, family, colleagues, and mentors for feedback on your strengths. Sometimes, others can see skills in us that we might overlook.


Once you’ve identified your top two or three core skills then you should Google “jobs for people good at ‘your core skill.’” Look through the results and see what looks interesting.  What surprises you?  Anything you want to explore more?

Knowing your core skills and having them front and center when you think about job options is incredibly important to start doing the work you're innately good at.

Next week we’ll look at diving deeper on your personality traits.

Embrace the Adventure!

- Tyler

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