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Introducing the IDEAS Framework

tools Aug 06, 2024

I’ve seen it time and time again; the moment a young person realizes they were dreaming small and what once felt impossible starts to feel in reach.  It’s a glimmer of hope and excitement about possibilities.  

It’s that vision of it all coming together.  Leveraging their core skills and personality in a job and industry that excites them.  It’s the empowering thought of “I now see the steps to make that a reality in my life!”

The flywheel of motivation starts to turn.  They start to see their future a little differently.  It’s the push to dream bigger and see more possibilities coupled with a tangible framework on how to connect the dots of the journey. It sparks the hope that they need to move forward. 

That hope turns into a larger vision; a realistic vision that they want to see come to life.  I’ve watched smiles come across faces as these thoughts build within them.

Dreaming big and having a plan to follow makes it all possible.  That plan starts with the IDEAS Framework.






This is the core of our work at Slingshot.  We share all of our videos, resources and activities as we coach young people through the IDEAS Framework. And then we watch as the flywheel of motivation starts to turn. Truth be told, it’s the best part of our job.

Consider coming to one of our free informational webinars to hear about “The Academy” our virtual guided group coaching for young people. 

Embrace the adventure,

- Tyler

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